I signed with Red Adept Publishing!
I'm thrilled to share that last week I signed a publishing contract with Red Adept Publishing for my contemporary romance, First Comes Marriage. It's slated for release in Summer 2021.
First Comes Marriage tells the story of two friends, Will and Hannah, who decide to follow-through on their marriage pact when they both turn thirty. In 2019, First Comes Marriage won the Contemporary Romance Writers Stiletto Award in the Unpublished Division and was a finalist in the NJRWA Put Your Heart in a Book Contest and the Northwest Houston RWA LoneStar Contest.
Me signing my contract!
A week later, the fact that my book is going to be released into the world in approximately a year hasn't fully set in. My dream is coming true. But even as I build my street team and join the 2021 Debuts and make list upon list -- it doesn't quite seem real. But that's publishing for you. Every step of the process is waiting and rejection and then that one yes that changes it all. And then more waiting and rejection and planning. So much planning! And waiting. But soon I'll hold my book in my hand. My book! Seriously, those are words I never thought I'd get to say.